Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How To Make Synyster Gates Hairstyle

With you, I'll leave'....

Summer is the ultimate moment to read on a full-time. It 's always a headache to choose among the slew of books from your library to get you wink bring, seems to choose between their children who bring with them and those left at home. Without giving too much credit to the label "reading under an umbrella" that shows a pretty light reading, rendered almost useless and stupid, I think there are readings and other typical summer maybe not ideal for the season 'warm year in which is distracted by stress lavorativo quotidiano.

- Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco , è un must in ogni momento dell'anno, mi sono prefissato di leggerli a distanza di tempo, la voglia di Potter è impulsiva e ti puo' rapire in qualsiasi momento. L'importante è tenersi pronti a volare.

- Attraversami di Christian Mascheroni , la bellezza delle parole, delle immagini, dei pensieri che regala ti isola da tutto cio’ che ti circonda. E’ una lettura necessaria che me la voglio godere fino in fondo, magari in spiaggia libera senza troppo caos.

- La principessa di latta di Philip Pullman , The prequel trilogy of Sally Lockhart, a jump in Victorian London that freshness and authorizes a travel time of those who no exotic holiday today can not reach such an experience.

- Cosmetics enemy of Nothomb, can not 'never miss a book incisive, ruthless, insightful writer of the great Japan-Belgium, which in a few pages gives the reader a very intense moments. Each of his book should be read in one breath and what better occasion than a day at sea can 'provide such an opportunity?

- The night of fear - Deaver, the thrill in the summer can give only the dear Jeffery good. A Deaver in summer is equivalent to the pork in Rome inevitable.

- The College of Saint Lucia - K. Russell, is a series of stories very special, original, surreal, which feeds a bit 'anarchy of sound that emanates especially in summer.

- Tell - Mary Robison, a little 'healthy realism, American can' be useful.

- And they died happily , the nonconformity is well matched with the desire for transgression summer. No schedules, no frenzy, no race against time, we leave at the time. And this collection of reinterpretation of the classic stories as I have the impression that amuse me so much.

- Magic Kingdom - Stanley Elkin , here is this is a far dangerous, deadly serious and deeply reflective. The decision to put it in my suitcase is dictated by the fact that I want in this crazy hot summer, stop a moment and think that everything 'that's fun, colorful, movement, lively, dynamic around me is only a facade of the many that present themselves. And 'well, even in this festive atmosphere that has lasted continuously from May to September, do not forget those who live the daily drama imprisoned in uncertainty frustrating.


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