Thursday, July 22, 2010

Accessive Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

The son of the cemetery - Neil Gaiman

Living in another world: a kind of critical noble, often used to mean those who grip a bit 'questionable with reality in its concreteness of everyday, but this expression changes for some people with a strong artistic creativity, in a faithful representation of its existence. Neil Gaiman is not just one person or a writer, is much more '. Embodies the magic, imagination, feeling, poetry, distant worlds, however, that 'might belong to us. E 'became an' irresistible madness for many, a provider of dreams, a peddler of fantasy worlds, a source of insatiable almost heroic characters both real- neighbors for the reader who figures eccentric, extravagant, both in their appearance as in their own character collages, which warms the imagination of many. So, Gaiman is an amazing catalyst of lives trying to take over the case of lives that come from this brilliant mind. Just think of no where and the hidden London, Coraline and the house full of secret passages, the Stardust and his fantasy world full of small wonders of the typical fairy tale.
The son of the cemetery is a novel that actually originated from a story written by Gaiman several years ago, taking in turn inspired by a walk of his son Michael at the time he was 2, in the vicinity of some tombstones. And he decided to make it the starting point of a story more 'wide. The hero is an orphaned boy, who was brutally murdered the entire family, and miraculously escaped almost by divine intervention the macabre murder, taking refuge in the place par excellence is the dark, the non-existence, the absolute stillness , restlessness, sadness, abandonment, the desolation that is the cemetery. But he will become an integral part of this community that will make him a citizen in every respect of the place, a true member of a large family who will take care of him and through him back in a certain way to live despite everything. Here you will also give a name, Nobody, Nobody, highly symbolic of the vagueness of its origins unknown to find. It will have a mentor, a father and a mother who "live" buried in a tomb of return life thanks to him, he will unlikely friends, friends and gain confidence and succeed in feeling, the eternal. A whole community of the dead will take to heart his situation, and take care of him and fell in love. Here Gaiman makes us reflect on the tenuous boundary between life and death, and that there should never be surprised by the presence of those who actually, physically, there is no 'more'. we hear them, next to us. Nobody is a figure moving, extraordinary opening to relationship with others, able to illuminate everything and everyone with his spontaneity, authenticity, full of curiosity typical of children who want to conquer the world, then with the advance of ' age will become fully aware of himself and his destiny to be addressed at any cost, is a friend, even for the reader, who can not 'do not love him for the extraordinary courage that led him to commit, as it happens to everyone, silly common sense, but enterprising reckless actions, which bring with them lessons and knowledge.
You can not 'close the door tightly impossible if you believe, there 's always someone who can help us, give us comfort, to take care of us, though we do not see them. Nobody represents the innocence, pain and rebirth, redemption of an irretrievable loss, the opportunity of a lifetime, however, they can live better despite all the growth that leads to adjust and deal with reality unknown. Life is, however, ongoing research, an exploration that can never be defined as complete and total.
In this book there 'and everything is amazingly intense atmosphere enveloping viscerally, the magic feeling, the strength of courage, the authenticity of the values humans, the irrepressible desire for redemption, the charm of curiosity, the encounter between different worlds, the believe in something that apparently does not exist.
's death seen as a loss, as the end of all things as void, as lacking. Gaiman the rehabilitation by giving even a saving power, almost to ransom. There 's always a mission in the destiny of things, both in life and not according to Gaiman. This is one of the crucial points that enhances his creativity in and of itself. Beauty and artististicità mixes with the belief, values, religion, morality. Never become redundant, overly repetitive, monotonous, rhetorical.
Another question: the past, especially the complicated, vague, cryptic, pain, deprivation always requires a final resolution, a comparison of face-face with their fears that can not 'be postponed in order to open himself freely to the future which is a right to life of each . Nobody was a child he was, he became a boy, a teenager, and in this path of growth applications are becoming more 'pressing need to give a satisfactory answer to the many questions that accumulate. The roads will inevitably divide the living has a life to enjoy, which is also unknown, the dead can live only inside the four walls of the cemetery that can live solo di ricordi. Il vivo dovrà crescere affrontando la vita, i defunti hanno già vissuto e ora riposano di tutte le fatiche sopportate in vita.
Un libro fuori dal tempo, intenso, profondo, di formazione, una meravigliosa favola oscura che culla il lettore attraverso eventi di grande speranza e riscatto, contro nefandezze come soprusi, violenza, potere, crudeltà, insomma il marciume umano che da sempre sporca e corrompe le anime degli uomini.
Questo libro, lo si puo’ dire, parafrasando una frase di Vasco Rossi o il titolo di un libro di Niccolo’ Ammaniti che prendo in prestito, ti prende e ti porta via. Sul dove, lo deciderà e lo capirà il lettore a fine lettura.


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