Life is not a fairy tale. It 'a truth that is palpable every day in both small and large things, everywhere, where fatigue, job insecurity, the frustrations continue, almost daily failures than the illusion of happiness, almost magical, easy to achieve with just a flick of the wand or the intervention of a genius on the spot ready to satisfy your desires and endless impossible.
Life is very different. Fairy tales help to dream, to grow, to believe, to build an imaginary in which cultivate their own fantasies of escape to distant worlds, but have little, very little, with the dirt road with the lights out, full of potholes, up hills, you have to go through. Life is a whole different kettle of fish.
"And they all died happily ever after" is a title quite funny, bubbly, but also ironic piccatamente clearly and distinctly bitter, dark, mocking, fits perfectly to push to open the book with curiosity and transport the first the title, then cover and then raise the back cover. But looking at the content, which requires an attentive participation, active, deep the person who immerses himself in his reading.
E 'an ambitious reinterpretation of a modern fairy tale that does not include the most' in this case, all the typical features such childish but is open to a different reading, mature, reflective and critical issues involving the most ' compelling in today's society.
took part in the project editor of New Issues, young Italian designers who are hungry for writing, who have pigeonholed a little bit each of its writing style, their own ingenuity, his own vision of reality, in a varied collage of different literary coloring that may 'not to attract the attention of the reader. Cosi ', go from one story to another, it means you go from one story to another but also from one type of writing to another, from one personality to another, from one point of view to more. And it is an absolutely fascinating and intriguing journey for the reader who feels as a citizen to travel to different worlds just flipping through the pages, suddenly finding himself in a place other than the route previously.
is not fun and a happy ending, contentment, emotional relaxation because you can 'laugh, fly with the fantasy and escape when you touch them serious and challenging issues related to our days as episodes of the news, politics, religion, battles with moral and existential inner self.
The Cinderella will be painted here today in Milan as a teenager rather bored, alone, left to itself in a city, Milan, it seems clear that the person in view of a bundle of personality, almost industrial.
Tom Thumb is a severe disability who suddenly loses everything 'in which he lived, and was soon sent into oblivion by a society that struggles to accept the handicapped and other.
The Little Match Girl is none other than a prostitute with a history of physically colossal behind despite its tragic and regrettable, now devoid of any shred of certainty and a future to plan, bleak in its precarious existence to say the least, hurt by a terrible childhood and an even worse that this will lead to a horrible end.
Sleeping Beauty is a woman, 33, wounded psychologically (and not) from a shocking event, and lose their life, their world, their future, while still alive (so to speak) and search in all ways of giving what 'that has not been able to live as he wished, his Romanian caregiver who had the delicate task of nurturing and caring for her.
Beauty and the Beast tells the story of a boy rather insignificant, ugly, with little personality, he encounters a miracle a fantastic girl, who will abandon him shortly after his father's company will continue to march after a very serious economic crisis that has threatened to send them broke. The boy then weave the most revenge 'tiny, irreversible excruciating.
This really great collection, composed of 18 short stories all carefully selected by a large reservoir of most written between 'disparate received by the publishing house, the intent is not to impress with special effects or to give the reader a Another world of dreams and a happy ending, an alternative to reality, but the goal altro non è che quello di prendere atto del fatto che i cattivi delle fiabe, l’antieroe, è ravvisabile in ogni momento della nostra vita di tutti i giorni: al citofono truffatori che cercano di adescare vecchiette a ingannevoli associazioni, automobilisti che ti inseguono fino a casa se in un viale hai tagliato loro la strada, un collega di lavoro che trama alle tue spalle per farsi migliore agli occhi del proprio capo, vicini di casa apparentemente normali che spargono da un giorno all’altro il loro appartamento del sangue dell’altro, amici che ti offrono sostanze stupefacenti e cosi’ via. L’elenco sarebbe interminabile.
Racconti, alcuni divertenti, altri dal retrogusto amaro, other grotesque, cynical or even simply as a guide to real events that lead to lethal consequences. In short, a catalog of characters, settings, reports that alert the reader to forget about the stories according to what is their common meaning and prepare to welcome a network of posts that link to provoke some emotional reaction in most readers' deep a simple laugh.
not sweeten the pill by reading this book, even if you can sour taste other bitter, bitter sull'immanente alarmed and imminent danger in which, often unconsciously, we have to do in every moment of our, apparently, harmless and predictable routine of work, shopping, attending friends and free time. Feeling safe and secure is a fairy tale. The stability and peaceful coexistence with the world is an illusory dream, always as' really threatened by unseen forces ready to strike and unpredictable, often in times, places and persons whom you least expect it.
The happy ending is not denied a priori, and God forbid, but is not predetermined, discounted, it must be built step by step, starting with ourselves. The happy ending is always something partial, measured per time per experience, because life itself, which flows into the death, not for obvious reasons, the happy ending. The Life is not a fairy tale from happy ending already written, is indeed a wonderful opportunity to live and tell themselves, holding out brick by brick to build something important, consistent with the catch of the unexpected that in some ways the most flavor everything we are, say and do in our small, difficult, complicated lives.
Living in another world: a kind of critical noble, often used to mean those who grip a bit 'questionable with reality in its concreteness of everyday, but this expression changes for some people with a strong artistic creativity, in a faithful representation of its existence. Neil Gaiman is not just one person or a writer, is much more '. Embodies the magic, imagination, feeling, poetry, distant worlds, however, that 'might belong to us. E 'became an' irresistible madness for many, a provider of dreams, a peddler of fantasy worlds, a source of insatiable almost heroic characters both real- neighbors for the reader who figures eccentric, extravagant, both in their appearance as in their own character collages, which warms the imagination of many. So, Gaiman is an amazing catalyst of lives trying to take over the case of lives that come from this brilliant mind. Just think of no where and the hidden London, Coraline and the house full of secret passages, the Stardust and his fantasy world full of small wonders of the typical fairy tale. The son of the cemetery is a novel that actually originated from a story written by Gaiman several years ago, taking in turn inspired by a walk of his son Michael at the time he was 2, in the vicinity of some tombstones. And he decided to make it the starting point of a story more 'wide. The hero is an orphaned boy, who was brutally murdered the entire family, and miraculously escaped almost by divine intervention the macabre murder, taking refuge in the place par excellence is the dark, the non-existence, the absolute stillness , restlessness, sadness, abandonment, the desolation that is the cemetery. But he will become an integral part of this community that will make him a citizen in every respect of the place, a true member of a large family who will take care of him and through him back in a certain way to live despite everything. Here you will also give a name, Nobody, Nobody, highly symbolic of the vagueness of its origins unknown to find. It will have a mentor, a father and a mother who "live" buried in a tomb of return life thanks to him, he will unlikely friends, friends and gain confidence and succeed in feeling, the eternal. A whole community of the dead will take to heart his situation, and take care of him and fell in love. Here Gaiman makes us reflect on the tenuous boundary between life and death, and that there should never be surprised by the presence of those who actually, physically, there is no 'more'. we hear them, next to us. Nobody is a figure moving, extraordinary opening to relationship with others, able to illuminate everything and everyone with his spontaneity, authenticity, full of curiosity typical of children who want to conquer the world, then with the advance of ' age will become fully aware of himself and his destiny to be addressed at any cost, is a friend, even for the reader, who can not 'do not love him for the extraordinary courage that led him to commit, as it happens to everyone, silly common sense, but enterprising reckless actions, which bring with them lessons and knowledge. You can not 'close the door tightly impossible if you believe, there 's always someone who can help us, give us comfort, to take care of us, though we do not see them. Nobody represents the innocence, pain and rebirth, redemption of an irretrievable loss, the opportunity of a lifetime, however, they can live better despite all the growth that leads to adjust and deal with reality unknown. Life is, however, ongoing research, an exploration that can never be defined as complete and total. In this book there 'and everything is amazingly intense atmosphere enveloping viscerally, the magic feeling, the strength of courage, the authenticity of the values humans, the irrepressible desire for redemption, the charm of curiosity, the encounter between different worlds, the believe in something that apparently does not exist. 's death seen as a loss, as the end of all things as void, as lacking. Gaiman the rehabilitation by giving even a saving power, almost to ransom. There 's always a mission in the destiny of things, both in life and not according to Gaiman. This is one of the crucial points that enhances his creativity in and of itself. Beauty and artististicità mixes with the belief, values, religion, morality. Never become redundant, overly repetitive, monotonous, rhetorical. Another question: the past, especially the complicated, vague, cryptic, pain, deprivation always requires a final resolution, a comparison of face-face with their fears that can not 'be postponed in order to open himself freely to the future which is a right to life of each . Nobody was a child he was, he became a boy, a teenager, and in this path of growth applications are becoming more 'pressing need to give a satisfactory answer to the many questions that accumulate. The roads will inevitably divide the living has a life to enjoy, which is also unknown, the dead can live only inside the four walls of the cemetery that can live solo di ricordi. Il vivo dovrà crescere affrontando la vita, i defunti hanno già vissuto e ora riposano di tutte le fatiche sopportate in vita. Un libro fuori dal tempo, intenso, profondo, di formazione, una meravigliosa favola oscura che culla il lettore attraverso eventi di grande speranza e riscatto, contro nefandezze come soprusi, violenza, potere, crudeltà, insomma il marciume umano che da sempre sporca e corrompe le anime degli uomini. Questo libro, lo si puo’ dire, parafrasando una frase di Vasco Rossi o il titolo di un libro di Niccolo’ Ammaniti che prendo in prestito, ti prende e ti porta via. Sul dove, lo deciderà e lo capirà il lettore a fine lettura.
Summer is the ultimate moment to read on a full-time. It 's always a headache to choose among the slew of books from your library to get you wink bring, seems to choose between their children who bring with them and those left at home. Without giving too much credit to the label "reading under an umbrella" that shows a pretty light reading, rendered almost useless and stupid, I think there are readings and other typical summer maybe not ideal for the season 'warm year in which is distracted by stress lavorativo quotidiano.
- Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco , è un must in ogni momento dell'anno, mi sono prefissato di leggerli a distanza di tempo, la voglia di Potter è impulsiva e ti puo' rapire in qualsiasi momento. L'importante è tenersi pronti a volare.
- Attraversami di Christian Mascheroni , la bellezza delle parole, delle immagini, dei pensieri che regala ti isola da tutto cio’ che ti circonda. E’ una lettura necessaria che me la voglio godere fino in fondo, magari in spiaggia libera senza troppo caos.
- La principessa di latta di Philip Pullman , The prequel trilogy of Sally Lockhart, a jump in Victorian London that freshness and authorizes a travel time of those who no exotic holiday today can not reach such an experience.
- Cosmetics enemy of Nothomb, can not 'never miss a book incisive, ruthless, insightful writer of the great Japan-Belgium, which in a few pages gives the reader a very intense moments. Each of his book should be read in one breath and what better occasion than a day at sea can 'provide such an opportunity?
- The night of fear - Deaver, the thrill in the summer can give only the dear Jeffery good. A Deaver in summer is equivalent to the pork in Rome inevitable.
- The College of Saint Lucia - K. Russell, is a series of stories very special, original, surreal, which feeds a bit 'anarchy of sound that emanates especially in summer.
- Tell - Mary Robison, a little 'healthy realism, American can' be useful.
- And they died happily , the nonconformity is well matched with the desire for transgression summer. No schedules, no frenzy, no race against time, we leave at the time. And this collection of reinterpretation of the classic stories as I have the impression that amuse me so much.
- Magic Kingdom - Stanley Elkin , here is this is a far dangerous, deadly serious and deeply reflective. The decision to put it in my suitcase is dictated by the fact that I want in this crazy hot summer, stop a moment and think that everything 'that's fun, colorful, movement, lively, dynamic around me is only a facade of the many that present themselves. And 'well, even in this festive atmosphere that has lasted continuously from May to September, do not forget those who live the daily drama imprisoned in uncertainty frustrating.
Chronicle (staff) of an event that should be great banner of Rimini
A breath of fresh literature that refreshes in summer than ever to want to read. The book is not just the Turin Book Fair and Literary Festival di Mantova Fair of Small and medium publishers in Rome. There are lots of wonderful initiatives, more 'local, who unjustly unnoticed, either because they do not participate in the giants of the publishing world and you want it, which is closely linked to the reasons above, the media should not cover such news as they really are , events of this type. The mechanism of media is evident to all, but still no one wants to resign to the fact that something can still cure the disease rather than Italian. Stuff of eternal optimists intended to take it in the back? Possible, but the hope is always the last to die. Even more so when there are publishers and authors good, really good, like those found in Finale Ligure. Wind Literature was born thanks to the initiative, passion, the desire to be born and then grow, creating more and more 'opportunities for contact with readers, most viewed' as friends goal to aim exclusively at the level of profit, Las Vegas has been able to bring issues that other publishers in Finale Ligure, strictly non-payment, such as: 18.30 editions Bradipolibri, Camelopardus, Brothers Frilli, Instar, Intermezzo, Hyperborea, Isbn, Las Vegas edition, blue pen, Marcos y Marcos, Minimum Fax, Mirage Editions, Neo, Knight Bus, Scritturapura, Alternative Press, Voland, twelfth edition, Zandegù. Sure, it's undeniable that his talent should be empowered to force things too by the numbers, without which it would close its doors soon, but 'behind the scenes there must be other, much more, which is a bit' the secret of who do this job: great shaking, almost non-stop work, so many coming and going, many decisions have suffered. All this was done in a beautiful square, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, rather wide and open, almost like a hug ready to welcome anyone who steps from the waterfront. It overlooks the sea, lots of people coming and going with children crying, they laugh and play and have fun trying to communicate in their own way, boys grouped in companies, in a circle, to chat and decide what to do for the evening and for the night that promises endless, people sitting at the tables of the bar to relax, staring silently into space, and yet so many people on the bench with ice cream in hand to enjoy the refreshing release that only a miracle cream can give. Everything has been prepared to measure, even the time, not randomly chosen (from 17 to 23, hours for which you can ' realistically think that the country will also fill the emigrants bathing). All publishing houses arranged as in a medieval square table (it seemed to attend a dinner with friends), with their stand planted through strictly DIY, each with their own jewelry on display, arranged carefully and with great care, to attract the attention of passersby. The fascinating title, author, their colorful covers and crisp, with the presence of those sitting behind the counter who is well aware of the mission in which he is called to answer: not much to sell an item, but exciting stories, explorable worlds, special characters, completely original and personal style, which then is everything ' that more 'is imprinted in the reader. In short, they make promises of happiness and daydreams. How denied a bid so extraordinary? E 'fair of small publishing quality non-paid, and the poster reads the press release. What does it mean in a nutshell? The key word on which to focus, and that is a discriminant for this exhibition is "no fee", or the fact that the author does not have to shell out a euro for copies of published or the signing of the contract, even a minimum amount. Everything happens at the expense of publishers, who receive the manuscripts, read them, assess them, make a selection, and decides to bet once occurred, risk, believing firmly in the author, title and history, investing their own money without making the author who has the opportunity to shell out so 'to be known with a huge support of those who believe in him. It 'exactly what I think should normally be the norm, a shared path to be followed in the same direction in the publishing world, but alas not respond to reality. These publishers, but also other non-paid but that 'for one reason or another were unable to attend the three days of Liguria, should inspire awe, reverence, great consideration and, in my opinion, should be thought of as guarantee of reliability, reliability, credibility and resourcefulness. Should be rewarded with greater attention, for example by the media or perhaps by several literary awards, which are often but not another, that perhaps the most moving exhibitions 'on the political and power than on merit, should disseminate the Word by their more' strength, decision, especially today in the era of communication at all levels. In fact, I myself in my small, as well as other bloggers, I am trying to stress this point. Well, perhaps the blog become a powerful ally to at least try to change a little 'cards on the table, without the risk of becoming trapped in a one-way communication and elitist. Giorgia and I have shot in this small glimpse of Liguria with great literary curiosity, literally attracted and enchanted, conquered in the end, the freshness, the vitality of this small enchanted world. Unfortunately, however, 'discovered, lived, met with too few people. Willingly or unwillingly, is the undeniable fact that has caused some distress to me to read the expressions on the faces of many people fear, indifference, then abandoned as soon as dismissive curiosity became account books and that it was not sweet, as if those who sat behind the counters were petty thieves who conspire to take away money to people or groups of abusive and questionable morality. Not feeling good, say. Tastes are tastes, premise a must, not create a player from nothing but 'I did a little' bad this participation a bit 'low at the event. It 's also true that since this was only one of the three days could not see clearly what happened the other day, but' talking here and there, disappointment was a bit 'painted on all those present at the fair. A pity. From a personal perspective, I can say it was a wonderful event, full of beautiful appearances, meetings, expected, unexpected and already have taken place previously, new literary discoveries of authors that I have whetted the appetite not just as a reader and have weighed more than a wish list I can 'handle. The presentations of the books took place in the square, surrounded by the same publishers, have had an almost magical, and always jumped a bit 'interval time originally planned, and is a good sign. It has even invented KARAOKE LITERARY, so what more could you want '? For the first year of life, I wish to see him again WIND LITERARY Finale Ligure (or even in other places, for example not to Rimini?) Between 25-30 years for arrangers, browsing here and there among a few obstacles, you become great. It relies heavily on the fact that in reality large swarm of these small small great people who dream of becoming big, sooner or later. To them all my respect and my support.
E 'instead arrived at 9.50 to 9.30, with the stock as a head of state, but all is forgiven, even if it arrived the next day. Jeffery Deaver in Rimini is an event but an event that repeats itself over the years, because Rimini, Mobycult in particular, with the collaboration of the Municipality and the Province of Rimini, I am always very careful about these types of reviews, now living undisturbed for 20 years.
Mobycult's founder, Manola Lazzarini, is a very lively lady, brilliant, determined, owner of a library almost planted on the beach, a woman who wants to keep afloat, his creation that, among the port of Rimini, Sant'Arcangelo, Riccione Bellaria, he bought up every summer and readings by authors of a certain caliber. And people like, and how if you like, this breath of fresh culture, which mingled with the evening entertainment that rampant Rimini offers, and entire days spent in the sun and water, forms a world apart in which to live if only for a limited time, is pure oxygen to face return to their battle stations.
the evening of July 13 was the time, as mentioned, Jeffery Deaver, who knows, loves Italy and loves Rimini traditionally been a meeting point of the great American writer of thrillers.
Under a stand, moving the ball between the colors of the sunset sky, reflecting in the shimmering, who left in the dark room lit intermittently by the lighthouse, and a slight breeze that gave a respite to the oppressive heat of this crazy Italian summer, many people holding the book WIRE BURNING, just out, published by Rizzoli, waited with trepidation and a great big grin on his face, those who do not the first time, the arrival of their favorite writer. An event not to drill for any reason, and here for one night then anything can 'wait or be delayed, and break any kind of routine with which he made a deal every day. Largo to Deaver, then. "There are none," seems to read the lips of those present.
Sign in, climbs on minipalcoscenico, all studded with fuchsia, the official color of the event Mobycult, dressed in dark suits, sunglasses and intellectual. The color contrast is clear. Say hello to everyone, trying to talk the most 'can be in Italian, as a tribute to a country that has always proved to love him like few other things. And then part of the introduction of the rather nice Mobycult founder and owner of the Book and Library SAIL, which is located just between the port and beach, just steps from the Dolphinarium.
To assist the whole, the translator the result of Deaver and journalist Peter Caruso, who supported introducing the evening, Manola Lazzarini in a simple but effective guide, focusing on the Jeffery Deaver and in particular, without going into too much of the content of the book, IL BURNING WIRE, just published by Rizzoli.
We start by recalling the impressive prolific writing Deaver: with the wire that burned, it has touched 28 books for a share of total copies sold over 20 million units. I take this opportunity to point out a better definition of Caruso gave Deaver: "a perfect diamond carver narrative" in the sense that Deaver is characterized by well defined chapters and proportionate to each other, the presence of a large population of characters, Rhyme and Sachs that aside, they tend not to bully each other, the fact that the center of each of its books is very present, and stronger, 'the power of the mind that no physical force (and Rhyme in this case is a very apt example), and then, a language specialist, without being too obscure as to be incomprehensible, especially in his latest book you talk about the arcane mysteries related to electricity.
A beautiful evening, not hot, in which they discussed a bit 'all too often smiling for the extraordinary performance of Jeffery language, that more' and more 'times has tried to address his audience in Italian.
- QUESTION: How many books have you written?
Jeffery Deaver: 28 (a successful attempt, to express the number in Italian), and for a young person like me are so many (laughs). I consider myself lucky because I have a chance to do something I like, I would not call that work, but passion: telling stories, writing novels and short stories. It 's the best. I tend to write a book a year, but I think this year I will have to 'speed up my pace, leading to two issues a year (and this is new for the fans, very tasty, ed.)
- QUESTION: New York is portrayed in his book, under threat the blackout, she wrote her books often focusing on issues of topical, believes that terrorism can also get to determine such a condition as recounted in his book? (THE BURNING WIRE, publisher Rizzoli)
Jeffery Deaver: I believe that my job is to scare you, my audience, who are my friends. I loved and still love Stephen King , but use very different techniques to frighten people from his. King creates ghosts, monsters, I focus on something else. My duty is to lead the reader, taking his hand, from beginning to end, using real instruments, such as it is electricity. I'm talking about real things, not wanting to give the cue to the terrorists is clear, God forbid. Pero ', here, I also wanted to emphasize how our society is still very dependent on electricity, just think of the television, computer and internet, and home appliances.
- QUESTION: You have been, even the six so far, barrister and journalist, among the many occupations which have you tried his hand, here, as these professions have an impact on your writing and topics to be treated yourself?
Jeffery Deaver: course, being a journalist was a big help, because in journalism is essential to writing clear, direct, without too many licenses free expression, but the search continues and in-depth news, interviews which occupies almost the entire day of the journalist. And I mean not only the working day. As for the legal profession, I was a lawyer in New York, this profession has given me the opportunity to learn how to build the plot in a way a little 'how to organize judicial practices. As a writer working 8-9 months, jot down 'an endless amount of notes, research, ladders of the essential points that will be used later to build my novels. The novel comes to my mind, form, outline gradually assume more 'clear and the end is there just waiting to be put in writing.
- QUESTION: Who is a fan of the couple Rhyme-Sachs, will have noticed, especially in THE WIRE BURNING, but also something that can be seen in his previous books starring the odd couple of detectives, Rhyme it slowly, albeit very slightly, and as far as possible, is improving. Is it true this strong feeling that the readers?
Jeffery Deaver: He is quadriplegic, a physical condition rather difficult. More and more 'often ask me if my fans can' improve health. Obviously the technology used in Rhyme, which is very advanced, but it helps a lot, as has been seen at certain times of the various books, where 'even become dangerous. Rhyme is determined, it's always a lot of physiotherapy, he wants to improve. Rhyme It is a bit 'all of us that we follow the improvement in everything and in every situation.
- QUESTION: What writers have helped to form?
Jeffery Deaver: To be writers must first be great players. This is a prerequisite. I read when I was 8-9 years and I've read and still read Dickens, Virgil, Shakespeare, Chandler, Hammett, Simenon, Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, Thomas Harris, Michael Connelly, Denis Lehane, Carofiglio (roar from the audience ndr ), Lucarelli, my friend Faletti, Eco, Primo Levi, Dante Alighieri
- QUESTION: You're from Chicago, a city of Obama. As the president took over as Chicago and has absorbed Jeffery Deaver from his hometown?
Jeffery Deaver: Chicago is wonderful. It 's a city great, who works so hard, he is focusing on industry, a bit' like Milan. But Obama has 'lived on the streets of Chicago, in concrete terms what is the city in all its nuances, and that is why that is so' practical, concrete, she knows well the realities towns, even raw. Chicago is considered a literary city, where they were born or lived only so many writers, many of them attached to everyday life and its problems (Deaver uses an all-American to tell writers that talk about reality naked and raw, and use a cliché like MEAT AND POTATOES).
- QUESTION: Your narrative is a very balanced mix of plot, plot, characters, what they're worth in your personal scale of importance? As meaning take the emotions? Fear, for example, of the American since 2001, it will stop sooner or later, or is not going to ever leave?
Jeffery Deaver: The books are clearly driven by plot. I always have as a starting point, even when on tour around and ask me questions like these, Mickey Spillane, a hard boiled kind of guru, who taught me that you can not 'write a book for the reader to stop halfway, but until order book, the reader is anxiety, the suspense, curiosity that grows more and more 'gradually during the story. I believe you can have a fantastic story but useless without believable characters and they are born into us. The characters must be human and more heroic. As far as emotions, I consider very important, in fact I do not like anything when a player responds with an "E 'interesting' to the feedback for my book. Should say to the person who takes the time to read "Leave me alone, I just want to read this book" (jokes and laughs). On fears of U.S. post-September 11th, I believe that our country has always been a tolerant, September 11, has undermined a lot a lot of certainties, impressed us deeply, and despite some missteps, serious, the Bush administration, we we remain a country of great democracy and I am convinced that this tragedy we have further combined.
- QUESTION: What changes and what relationship you have with the story rather than the novel? What is the difference between the two passes? What changes in the preparation of one or the other?
Jeffery Deaver: Good question, very interesting. Let's say the story is a narrative form that I really enjoy. The fundamental difference is that whereas in the novel serves a greater attention to be devoted to the characters in the story what 'that matters most is the sudden turn, create unexpected more 'related to the plot than the characters. This is the essential difference between these two narrative forms.
- QUESTION: You have an extraordinary ability in treating the psychological aspects and is visible to everyone, but also an extraordinary attention to economy and technology, in addition to the current issue of terrorism.
Jeffery Deaver: Yes, I like to get into the psychology of human beings. In fact I often try to dive as much as' deep as possible in my characters, both positive and also negative. I like to work on the psychology is very fascinating field, which I love to study. I have a great curiosity about the human mind, but 'always enters with a plush step. As far as economy and technology, it is clear that today there is a severe economic crisis that we all hope to go to more 'soon. Technology is also clear his impetuous force now in every single action of the newspaper. Just think of the computer and the Internet, as mobile phone.
- Question: A neophyte can 'read WIRE BURNING feeling the same emotions of the reader Rhyme for years?
Jeffery Deaver: Usually precisely why in every book ever I post many details that I take to make a kind of overview of the conditions and what happened to Rhyme, just for those who will also start to read out of order chronological series. It 'clear that starting from the beginning and then reads the following discussion assumes a higher value on an emotional level for the reader. The character, you can 'say, creates loyalty to the player.
- QUESTION: What do you think of movies from books (referring to The Bone Collector, also transposed to the big screen)?
Jeffery Deaver: I'm a writer, but I can say that in all the work, team-there 'who is working well and those not so well. When you make the movies, there are lots of people with specific tasks involved in the creation of the product and there is' who is good and who's not, who has talent and who does not, those who work with great care and professionalism and who is not. When I write are solely responsible for my product, and then turns out to be perhaps the most 'easy to miss less. I'm not interested transpositions film books. I'm not even gone on the set of the film of my book (The Bone Collector), so 'I have lost a great opportunity to go out to dinner with Angelina Julie
- QUESTION: How is it was never published his first book WooDoo? There 's a chance to see him soon in Italy?
Jeffery Deaver: My first book say that it is an unforgettable beauty, did not sell well and so I decided to not want it to be translated into other languages.
E 'out of the picture, including applause, autographs, photographs and a lot of availability, affability and kindness, but will return once again to strike. There 's bet on it.
era of multimedia, the "I'll join you in your room," the myriad of possibilities offered by technology, direct contact, as a reader I was wondering if publishers take advantage of this direct channel to the reader in the best way. I would not like you were too similar institution-citizen relationship, where the institution is still light years away, where relationships are made coolly or through official channels or by email, not even knowing who you're talking about. With Facebook, with Anobii, there are enormous possibilities for a publishing house in cultivating their market, grow their own seedlings, or there are too many possibilities in more 'well to lay the foundations for new projects (clear, then there 'the other side of the coin, more' technology, but also much more 'competition, where the big fish will swallow the small fish). I noticed for example on aNobii the presence of several groups created by the publishers themselves, but often carried out, updated, shared only by the readers themselves. I'd like to see more 'genuine participation of publishers in this sense. The press offices serving or the web section and web editor should consider these opportunities, taking full advantage. It 's easier monsters, proving to be a concrete figure and not something unattainable, to further retain the player, probably not linking it exclusively to you, but certainly taking his permanent presence. Small publishers often capture these scenarios are involved, are very active. Then once you get older, lose some 'enthusiasm in face-face contact (at the web) with the single, I would say to us mere mortals readers. And a little 'I'm sorry, rather long, because at least publishing the split net manufacturer / retailer-consumer should not be there, in full respect of the roles of course as always must be. Here, you can 'feel it to the big book fairs. Of course, in some cases, it is emphasized, because it is natural that physical contact is sought in an almost insistent that the reader is the publishing house, but 'one thing is looking out booth at a Mondadori, another thing to stand a Las Vegas or a Scritturapura Editions. One senses immediately a difference in timing, manner and a breathable atmosphere. Other sizes, but certainly other attention to the reader. I think that hiding behind the fact that most ' is large, and more 'is objectively difficult to remain almost intimately tied to the reader, it is wrong. Is a way of escape overly simplistic to dodge an issue that maybe is not meant to resolve. The relationship editor-reader.
on face book some publishers (eg Elliot, but also others) after an enthusiastic start lose interest, paying less and less time updating the news and also in contact with the reader (not even respond to private messages , or do with millennial delays). There is 'who is present in every social network in existence is possible but none is active as it should, so' the interested reader trying to contact him is forced to go do it via email, phone calls and more. I wonder at this point what is the social network in these cases, it seems to all intents and purposes a great opportunity lost, not a grave offense to use it. With the Internet, the streets are shorter, so 'as timing and communication, so I think that every company, not just the editorial decision on this must be sought with extraordinary means, including by holding its own communications office and print-oriented uses this interactive participation. Actually, the problem is also evident with regard to the contact via traditional forms, such as contacts that appear online at the official website the publisher. For example, Feltrinelli, in my experience and hearing other voices around, does not respond to emails pretty much never, except for certain cases it is more and more 'hard to even have a simple exchange of views by e-mail with editors, editorial writers, so 'as happened to me I was going to contact Martina head Minimum Fax, and wait for an answer from 7-8 months and who knows if he ever opened my email I sent.
But it is also true that there are many realities, especially medium and small, who give great importance to the deep bond that sees them with characters the reader, who becomes almost more than 'a friend than a customer. Tunuè is just one example among many. Now I'll try 'with other publishers to feel a bit' more 'in depth, a mo' investigation, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200bpractical importance the reader in a publishing house, they clearly expect differences because every publisher has a its politics, its history, its own creed, their own organization. Certainly, every time you search a contact with one of them and do not receive responses to any form in any way, disappointment, irritation is so great, especially after their web pages see dotted their graphic layout of references and linkable references to the many possibilities of direct interaction with them, promising them permanent presence and continues to your curiosity or information. As sometimes happens, the appearance of several clashes with the reality. But then again, as happens for many publishers is not the case for many others who respond well, however, their stated mission.
Reading is a world unto itself, and the players automatically become citizens of their own specific size which I think is very complicated to understand by those not part of it. Existence is another, separate, with a range of traditional customs, its laws and language all its own. When it is said that among readers means there is a truth. Not offend the non-readers. Often the reader is not seen with a suspicious look, even if we are snobs, why? The reading is anything but an obligation, otherwise it would not be reading. Perhaps then the reader feels a privilege and a better person than those who never takes up a book? There 's something very curious and interesting in all this, something perhaps be traced back to the sociology and psychology. The reader does not read not simply because it is taken in He takes that spark that you or innately or suddenly at any moment. This explanation seems more 'logic, perhaps a bit simplistic and even' trivial. But it is so ': there' who is born with the book already in hand, those who may have tried or at least indifference to hate the book for several years and suddenly falls in love with and who will not be illuminated by vocation. The fact is that light carries with it an endless list of behaviors, quirks, flaws, including flaws, clichés and stereotypes to the reader that is totally interesting to me investigate a bit '. With the web, interaction with other people is extraordinary, so ' as the emergence of virtual communities on a specific topic, that are really thousands. Through face book, through various forums, it is always great fun to learn new things about the reader, confronted, and see that the nature of the average reader, we're fine, too. A whole series of ways of doing things rather strange, funny follies, foibles of psychos almost by the fussy attention to the little things we share everything, we are one race, we must be aware and take note. A possible
identikit of the reader? There are some places, very funny, others a bit 'sketched in my opinion. The reader is a linear shape at the same time, with some common basic features, but also elusive with particular elements distinguishing very interesting, so that it disengages from a general consideration. Here I can say, is clearly a partial analysis, which does not claim to have universal validity.
a) the player is not what it reads 2:00 to 3:00 books a year but the one who reads a lot (in relation to its commitments and time constraints), the law just can '. For him, reading is a faithful traveling companion
b) The average reader has a reference library, and a great friend, who sometimes calls the best friend, who is the librarian (this applies if you attend a library independent, not a part of a chain store)
c) ; The average reader is suffering from compulsive buying. Sure, there are those who are loyal to their duty and 10 in the duct that buys and read, and appears to be perfectly balanced budget, but in accordance with a stack of 2-3 meter readings are always lagging behind us.
d) The average reader has an own book of life and a favorite writer who stands up for everyone else. Try to criticize the book or that author and I will take the salute.
s) The average reader, unless specific commitments, not lacking in events dedicated to the book. For he is a national holiday, spasmodic and waiting for that day could start several months earlier than the start date of the event
f) The average reader is jealous of his library: the order in the manner that rather, sometimes in a manner quite special.
g) The average reader can 'read a book at a time but also get to 3-4 books at once
h) The average reader can 'be greedy, can' have a preference as a genre in particular but also more reading here and there, or it can 'be monogene.
i) The average reader likes to make books as gifts (with a dedication, and optional in this case depends on the person)
j) The average reader is knowledgeable about news and upcoming releases in library, often now the Internet era, there is a lot of newsletters arriving in your inbox
k) The average reader is not keen to see the ebook (again, however, 'there would have to make distinctions, you can not generalize, but' the trend line this is)
l) The average reader is more attentive 'than ever, and tends to ruthless analysis of films from books
m ) The average reader looks A FISTFUL OF BOOKS
n) The average reader would be glad to participate in presentations or books
) The average reader has several pieces of different libraries (or at least, at least one)
p) The average reader tends to search for discussions and conversations with others about the books
q) The average reader has a certain flexibility and openness
r) The average reader willingly goes in a long time library and, if he has time, he devoted himself to research in first person the book without delegating it to the librarian / order: the search for the book has its value
s) The average reader likes the bookmark
t) The average reader likes the smell of the pages of books
u ) The average reader of purchasing a book is based on some parameters affecting the choice: the author, publisher, title, plot, cover
v) ; The average reader has time limits on their reading
w) The average reader, sometimes have prejudices of readings
x) The average reader can also buy online
y) ; The average reader has its squadernino on which to mark the titles you want, and citations of books, and even notes on books lent
z) The average reader can 'lend or not to lend their books, depends on the person-player
aa) the average reader reads everywhere
bb) the average reader can just read 'their children from childhood fairy tales and enjoys almost over' your child