Well, it would be discussed ... Today we are more and more 'I often talk about weird, inversion of normality with which we were accustomed to having to more and more' of something amazing that was given to established and well fixed in a way of thinking , of a culture. Normality has become a bit 'on having to wait for everything and more'.
The publishing world is no exception to this dynamic. Turning to libraries, eyeing the shelves, the titles, the covers, there is certainly makes account.
For example, a month ago I came across by chance, as I passed a table of books on display, in a triptych that in itself represents the history of world literature, or the Shakespereaiano "Romeo and Juliet", "Peaks storm "of Bronte and Austen's Pride and Prejudice" but specifies that in the new edition of the bestseller Mondadori, watching carefully, one can not 'not know that detail, it is also quite evident in a red circle with lettering clearly visible to the eye also a certain distance, or whether they are labeled as the favorite books of Bella and Edward. Who are they? The two protagonists in the saga of Twilight Stephany Meyer. A vampire saga, which has received so world attention with extraordinary sales. Even in film and merchindising. The fact is that it is natural to ask, without making too much of a snob or being too picky whining and moaning that is never anything good, if three masterpieces of the genre should be somewhat drawn and advertised by the saga of Meyer. Because the meaning is clear to me: "You also read the three novels that are just love to
Bella and Edward. to say, were Edward and Bella that have made them known to the world. Or alternatively: if you read them to say that Bella and Edward are very Ganzi, try it yourself. Well, it is undeniably a creepy thing. At least, I personally set off a killer instinct against the Mondadori and in general of a new era in which the substance goes beyond the appearance, aesthetics culture (although sometimes aesthetics and culture go hand in hand). Now be careful to inform us that without these three literary masterpieces that are the favorite books of this pair, people will ignore the existence and do not take them in hand. Ironically my own, but not that much. It 's a bit sad that the fold is taking today, where to draw the attention a storm of publicity anywhere and at any moment, the people, they also break down the barriers of the sacred.
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