Today we are more and more 'I often talk about weird, inversion of normality with which we were accustomed to having to more and more' of something amazing that was given to established and well fixed in a way of thinking , of a culture. Normality has become a bit 'on having to wait for everything and more'. The publishing world is no exception to this dynamic. Turning to libraries, eyeing the shelves, the titles, the covers, there is certainly makes account. For example, a month ago I came across by chance, as I passed a table of books on display, in a triptych that in itself represents the history of world literature, or the Shakespereaiano "Romeo and Juliet", "Peaks storm "of Bronte and Austen's Pride and Prejudice" but specifies that in the new edition of the bestseller Mondadori, watching carefully, one can not 'not know that detail, it is also quite evident in a red circle with lettering clearly visible to the eye also a certain distance, or whether they are labeled as the favorite books of Bella and Edward. Who are they? The two protagonists in the saga of Twilight Stephany Meyer. A vampire saga, which has received so world attention with extraordinary sales. Even in film and merchindising. The fact is that it is natural to ask, without making too much of a snob or being too picky whining and moaning that is never anything good, if three masterpieces of the genre should be somewhat drawn and advertised by the saga of Meyer. Because the meaning is clear to me: "You also read the three novels that are just love to Bella and Edward. to say, were Edward and Bella that have made them known to the world. Or alternatively: if you read them to say that Bella and Edward are very Ganzi, try it yourself. Well, it is undeniably a creepy thing. At least, I personally set off a killer instinct against the Mondadori and in general of a new era in which the substance goes beyond the appearance, aesthetics culture (although sometimes aesthetics and culture go hand in hand). Now be careful to inform us that without these three literary masterpieces that are the favorite books of this pair, people will ignore the existence and do not take them in hand. Ironically my own, but not that much. It 's a bit sad that the fold is taking today, where to draw the attention a storm of publicity anywhere and at any moment, the people, they also break down the barriers of the sacred.
Augusten Burroughs is not a boy home and church, as they say. Witness the fact that he wrote this compelling guide (fictional) life of its bizarre and fluctuating. write about themselves, I find that it is always complicated, not at all obvious, pretty busy. It takes courage to get involved in everyone's eyes, considerable humor in taking even around when necessary, self-criticism to avoid writing un'autocelebrazione end in itself and sickly: all qualities that are not easy to find, mostly 'present in a single personality. As inevitably novel, the diary of Burroughs catch us, binding ourselves in his past, in all honesty, frankness clear (even too much, since the family has spoken repeatedly sued for defamation) and plans to make a friendly involved, almost as confident, almost like fellow drunk, of what 'that made him Augusten Burroughs and not any other man. The family problems are the focus of his life, from his very first appearance in the world: a father after continuous furious arguments with his wife, he gave it up that if a mother does with everyone, with mental disorders who also entails serious hysterics, until it is reliable, and by living at home, the psychologist, with all his wacky family that will help train (so to speak) the young Augusten. He seems to fit, living with degenerative instability of the population across the family of the psychologist, in the midst of the profound links that are born, furious arguments that follow, a homosexual relationship between high and low (most are decidedly 'low) and generally a life that inevitably turns into a forced cohabitation with the frustration of always having to do with an ever-present tension that is undermining the mental and relational equilibrium.
One has the feeling, reading, always unsafe to walk on a wire, constantly anxious insecure, struggling with the threat of an explosion of events, from time to time, which could lead to extreme consequences. Life is difficult, but only those who have lived a complicated life can 'understand what it means to sail in bad waters. The characters in his book, all surrounded by loneliness carcinogen, illusory and self-annihilation, repressed desire for transgression and escape, paint a sad, anxious, bitter, stifling of his world. Burroughs uses irony and the image sharp, abrupt, almost as perverse half defense by the bleak and dark thoughts that plague him in relation to a mother who seems to want to take away from him, avoiding it as if it were a serious infectious disease and the obsessive search of a feeling that might be released from his captivity and that stifles the inner led him to establish a homosexual relationship with someone much more 'than him, between certainty and sudden departure and inconvenience so' typical of a relationship strong. E 'existential despair and the apparent instability to seek with so' emphasis on a balance, opening up to everything, open to any possibility of happiness. not seem to be able to meet margin a normal life, because he has never known. So what do you do? Looking ahead, even though fate seems very nebulous. But you have to do it, despite everything, despite all, from what 'you've learned from living them', from the few people they are sure they can trust.
do I think the bookseller, in addition to the good fortune to work closely with books, publishers, authors and readers, is also fun, to hear all sorts of questions as completely absurd, crippled titles, popular titles of famous authors to which the author is changed, but is also useful to measure a bit 'temperature reading level in Italy, with all its distinctions internal.
is also used to be baffled, as mentioned, in the face of demands that have the absurd. The library is a market, the book market, but the market is very different from the commonly understood as one of the fruits, vegetables, cheese and so on. The library is a sacred place, where it consumes an experience, not only an object that physiologically you need to get by. Here, the other day, and I Giorgia library, we have witnessed a funny scene in its ridiculousness. A lady, all well dressed, a bit 'altezzosetta of a certain age, enters, moves to the library, actually a bit' confused and a bit 'so confused, I do not think even she knew exactly where she had gone. Soon, however, 'is aimed at the librarian, our friend George, to get information. We were chatting amiably, as our usual, with the lovely Giorgia, when we could not help but hear the request , absurd, the lady in question. More 'or less went like this', the substance is still the same: “Senta (se non ricordo male non ha neanche salutato), posso avere una lista dei vostri libri migliori, la classifica dei libri piu’ venduti?”. Al che un fastidio epidermico, quasi intestinale, di pancia, si è mescolato al silenzio di imbarazzo esploso in Giorgia, la libraia, che noi conoscendo abbastanza bene sappiamo quanto sia piuttosto “dura”, decisa, insofferente alle classifiche e ai libri che vengono acquistati solo perché pubblicizzati mediaticamente a oltranza o perché appaiono in tutta la loro magnificenza (mediocre spesso, anche se non sempre va detto, nei contenuti) nei cartelloni che ti spingono brutalmente sotto gli occhi la top ten della settimana. Lei, Giorgia, le risponde that the rankings do not, on paper, tries to be just the most 'friendly and helpful as possible, then asking if he tries something different, whether it is for a gift, if he already has ideas in his head. Responds rather doubtfully, as if slightly disturbed (missing you requested is personal data or the number of his account), asking again if it was not possible to have a paper chart. I did not then understand if the lady was going to buy a book as a gift and never had to do with the book world, just did not know which way to go. In my opinion, enough chat a bit 'with our lovely librarian Giorgia, clearer a bit 'identikit of the person in question which give the book (if the intent was) or was their intention to read, even in general (thriller? Drama? romance?), for advice suitable for their thirst for reading. And George, who is a mine of endless titles, readings experienced, popular authors had no problem whatsoever to recommend something suitable for you. But then that was a bit 'annoyed, a bit' annoyed, if the lady is gone. Had I been in Georgia, I would have said, if he wants to go even charts and tips to Mondadori, but here we do not have rankings tips give, in the case. E lo facciamo gratis. Sarebbe stata una bella risposta questa, secondo me. La sottolineatura che volevo fare è il collegamento che la signora ha fatto libro migliore = classifica dei libri, come se il libro piu’ bello fosse quello che è presente nelle top ten che appaiono ovunque, dai cartelloni nelle catene di librerie, ai giornali, ai siti internet. Ecco, a me questa cosa fa incazzare parecchio, mi crea fastidio intestinale, e allo stesso tempo mi amareggia, perché ci sono miriadi di libri bellissimi che la gente non sa neanche che esiste, e libri assolutamente merdosi che, perché hanno distributori forti, case editrici potenti, amici di una certa rilevanza, sorpassano la qualità con traiettorie scorciatoie che have the shameful. True, these things happen that surprise today is anachronistic, but 'it is always better for me to continue to rise, to be scandalized, to ask questions rather than passively accept it without even asking a constructive discussion about it. Why are there so many small publishers, non-paid, making a huge lavorone of the greatest research, selection, enactment that some can only dream of. And to see people moving in bookstores only to "classifications" makes me shake a little 'heart to be honest. To say, as the lady has made it clear that the best books and 'those in the sales charts, more or equals' or less to argue that PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN MOST ECONOMICALLY 'Ricci. That, mind you, no doubt about the fact that there may also be many people very wealthy far-reaching moral and generosity, in fact I'm sure, but 'out of place a lot of this conclusion as if the wealth of heritage indicates the exact value of a person. A person's worth and value of its properties are two different things, so 'as the quality of the book and book sales (even in this case, however,' it is right to stress that every so often, very often NOT, can escape even the beautiful book in the midst of those rankings).
If you really must be of rankings, then that is a part of the bookseller or booksellers who work there, a sort of top ten personal advice to the reader. But a ranking done by the heart, from the books that have touched the most sensitive nerves of the bookseller. In this case, the ranking would be meaningful and authorization and consultation with great interest.
rankings for sales, are a means, in my honest little but commercially understandable given that the first objective is the revenue, to direct the readers' choices along certain channels to the exclusion of others. Perhaps this is, and I hope that is so ', players only superficial, temporary, but that' unfortunately I think they are numerically more 'constant readers' substantial, long-standing, and avid fanatics of the book world. Here, I think these rankings are deceit, manipulation of the book distorts the real one, I see that word in the most 'authentic and genuine to the success of a book. But maybe I live in the world of fairy tales.
What, like I said before, being a librarian allows you to hear and see so many. A truly great little social world in constant exploration. From which you never stop learning and knowing neither surprising nor new things.