Saturday, June 26, 2010

Should Men Wear Girdles

May, my reading

McCarthy's books are not very long, but just as intense, unique setting and memorable characters. Although this book is not missing his other peculiarities McCarthyane typically be read in one breath.

First, a small publishing house that deserves visibility, Second speech and artistic design, a mix that is a real gem, Third: Christian Mascheroni, a guy who knows his own making. A book alive, intense, romantic, even melancholy. I brought it everywhere around, to remind me, walking down the street that could happen all over, including chance encounters that could change your mind about many things ...

Double story, very intense, some features dreamy, philosophical but without falling into complex figures of thought and language too articulate. Two sad lives that seem remote in time and space, crossing each other. Causing so many emotions in the reader. There are minutes, hours of reading really intense, touching as few.

His latest book published. One of the 60-odd which held in a shoe box in his apartment in Brussels, making us mad all his fans anxiously awaiting more of 'his titles, than the one book a year out? Again, all ingredients are mixed Athombiani with his usual skill and strength. A current topic rather disturbing is the background (and it is an effect-cause) to the usual social cobweb made of complex feelings and relationships. Celebrities, as usual, very strong and expressive presence. We see that Amelie loves his creatures.

A fantastic book, which can not 'miss in those libraries where the book has a meaning that goes beyond anything imaginable. It 'a hymn book, the emotions it transmits, to the unforgettable moments that can give from a sense of it all. A beautiful story, a declaration of love for reading. I was completely hooked.


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