Thursday, May 27, 2010

Modern Jewelery For Lenghas

Small publishers are protected, protected, as an animal in danger of extinction

Okay, fair entirely dedicated to small-medium publishing here and there, there are (not least of which is to be held in Finale Ligure July 16 to 18, Wind Literature), and I think, from the haunting last fair of small and publishing media in Rome, can say without risk of being silenced, that there was a great success in terms of attendance and sales, and thus there is hope even for those small publishers, who with their skill , competence, courage, trying to carve out a niche in the Italian book market. The fact is that reading on the web, the Turin Book Fair, recently completed, to which I enthusiastically participated, the data should a bit 'ask themselves a question: the data on attendance are amazing, 20 years now, the inflow was the most' high, even 20% more 'than the previous edition. Pero 'digging a bit' more 'in depth, the reality also says that profits, increases in sales, plus go to the giants, who in reality was perhaps less need. Be careful, this does not say it's a negative. Indeed, they are welcome increased investment in people's product book, but also some thought-provoking discussions, stolen, including small publishers in Turin, as in reality people have largely stormed the giants of Italian, ignoring and not a little small publishing houses. What other well-deserved limelight, a very different focus. Perhaps it is that people lazy to look for something new in a more 'specific niche? Let them go, for convenience, for those who have more 'means and resources to get noticed? But word of mouth, where did it go? Small publishers, should live than that. I do much running in my small voice, but to be honest, I still have to invest much time to improve their knowledge in many small companies that definitely deserve at least the advertising that is done the giants, the sharks do not hesitate a moment to make out the small fish. Extraordinary in the draw (or redraw) the talents of writing, to have it taken to blow his nose with a disarming simplicity, suffering damage than even the joke, to not be recognized even as much as their 'little merit. A serving book fairs, if you have to colonize as in any library's huge stand, real shops, publishing companies that already sell greatly elsewhere, where they gather in Autogrill, in subway stations? What is the point, provocative, I wonder, organize festivals like that? The tastes of the people is, according to the commandments of my code reader, the first entry that pops up: never discuss it, if they can 'talk, discuss, but never judge. Pero ', a publishing house that does not have the means, the name, strength, the right channels to make themselves known, and the fair, which is the ultimate place to show off, knock on the door of the player who passes them to case, seen to be torn apart by those who occupy every corner of the library shelf forcing you to retreat into the back-filled with dust, what can 'mean? Take note of an eternal defeat or raise a little 'voice, if only to make themselves heard? Many do so with an extraordinary spirit of initiative in the country, online, in magazines, through word of mouth. Then, fortunately, we can also see some very interesting cases in evolution: Elliot, for example, Voland, or Minimum Fax, rose from the ground of "no" on a trampoline that perhaps they finally publishing is launching the reality that counts. But they have a history and source of funds as Feltrinelli, Mondadori. Yet perhaps we are doing the, step after small step to write their names next to the giant Olympus. There are also strategies fits perfectly, that they are paying all their nose: an example? The Voland by Amelie Nothomb. Because if it is true that the catalog that makes the difference, it might be enough of a name that will become prominent, to take off the rest. Just? I hope so, because small and medium-sized publishers are an inexhaustible richness, extraordinary, essential for the Italian publishing world, always as' living, dynamic, young, fresh and enterprising. It would be a shame and an enormous loss not value them. Even this is not enough and have also removed the reduced postage rates, I forgot.


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