Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nerf Gun Birthday Cakes

Bulletin ... Scavenging! His last years

E 'went about a week after the tragedy that struck the Abruzzo: A powerful earthquake struck the city of L'Aquila and surroundings, causing the destruction of many buildings and unfortunately the death of nearly 300 people. Very sad day for our country then, where in many, though not directly involved, felt the need to offer their support to earthquake victims by contributing money supply, in food, clothing and more, showing how Italy fortunately able to be united at least in times of need.
Ma .. This posting on my blog is by no means intended to deal with the tragedy in its own, I commend to the mercy of the average. Without so this little example, let's go to highlight the issue.

Jackals. The word that comes to mind is just that. And do not talk about those criminals went to rob the houses are now abandoned Aquila. I'm talking about other jackals. You already know it? Well yes, I'm talking to the news and general information public. No time to evacuate people from the city crowds and crowds of scoop-hungry journalists have slings on the site. Cameras on every corner, every little news to report. Now I understand that news should provide adequate information service, and even sometimes carried out in-depth analysis will be certainly been helpful to families who had relatives in areas affected by the earthquake, but at times is probably not an exaggeration? Has not reached the bottom of the barrel, scraped and started to dig in when reporters went from strength to interview people who are still in shock, in tears or worse injuries, asking about what had happened with a certain insistence plus? Not Is it sleazy to see public information that goes in search of the biggest tragedy to be able to get more plays than the competitor's news? But then that's how it happens most of the time this last week and it was further proof. They were seven days of media saturation on the topic: the news were not enough to bombard the news, they got in the middle of programs such as door to door and all their "relatives". A situation truly repulsive, excuse the term, in which the earthquake in Italy has been transformed from "drama" to "goose that lays the golden eggs."
And here we return to the question then raised at the beginning: they are jackals! It shows contempt for those who have robbed the homes abandoned by now? Well, I would say to prove it also for informing the Italian public, which as usual, has exploited the latest tragedy and did not show the slightest respect for the victims and their families. Bleak, very bleak.

"And kindly remind listeners that during the days of the earthquake, our TG was the one with the highest number of plays! Goodbye and good day to all the staff! "

TG1 07/04/2009 - Issue of the South


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