Friday, May 11, 2007

Letter To Franchise A Brand

He had just finished barter his freedom of a theater actress with the body when the black car stopped the curtains fell on the side opposite of the road . Ran down and walked with his head bowed. The lights that wrapped around the orange was a city of East Germany who was sleeping in all its loneliness.
A strange bell meanwhile had brought his man down the stairs and opened his eyes to what was happening. He hides in the shadows of the door waited ascended and then follow upstairs in their apartment.
She passed the door of the door with unusual haste and the sight of the man disappeared into the bathroom to wash the smell of which brought him and wanted to hide ... just needed the water that washes and was consumed with her tears.
The guilt and the loss of his dignity had beaten on the bed in a bathrobe ... still shocked by the discovery and covered with questions bigger than he had ever managed to make it closer to those sheets without touching them ... It was still standing when
she asked him a hug and to do so in silence ... as if every word he could hurt them ... knew that every motivation was unnecessary, but a gesture so hot without pretending to answer ... it was a gesture that united them more than anything.

this is a scene from the movie "The Lives of Others"
arriving late because he arrived late to the movies here and there, perhaps the story of this piece to understand what may lead to the lack of freedom ...


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