Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cost Reduction Request Letters

found by chance

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

What Does The Butterfly Look Like In Lupis


As the dark night is past and do not let

froth of beer and a beach washed

and a line of sand
is the face of a goodbye
others will change to better betray the soul

forget to better
Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum

Carrozieri! Drill!
the crews in a row! The balloons!
hydrogen airships

flies in the air and the dancers dance in a row

read, read in a tutu
read, read more
of my crap
Shot among the stars in a balloon swollen
only recall as far as I

the night and I want no moon .. But nothing

love songs I never take my heart
the night has passed and the clouds swell
foam Baltic and ashes and ashes
I get ...
Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum

read, read in a tutu
read, read more of my crap

If you want to circus circus
and wheelbarrows of eyes and regrets
and phosphorus and sulfur and
perfume and nothing
and still better to change the soul
forget to better ... But nothing
love songs
I never take my heart
the night has passed and the clouds swell
foam Baltic and ashes and ashes
I get ...
(emotion is everything in life, when you die it's over ... the emotion is everything in life, when you're dead
is over ...)